Designing for product market fit

A Black Owned Financial Services Company on a mission to help secure financial freedom for themselves, through digital advertising campaigns and service design tools




July ’20 - August ‘21

Creating a digital corporate identity before a product or a conversion funnels exists

There are so many platforms to choose, so ensuring a widely known visual code editor is no better than Salient for wordpress that includes WP bakery for drag and drop components to recycle design. There are of course other notable visual editors like webflow, but none so widely used by designers. Regardless of the editor, lead generation is usually the primary objective, so quickly making a clear call to action for the user to reach the end of the journey quickly would ensure a good user experience.

Wordpress design and custom theme development

A good visual editor sets you up for success with multiple prebuilt templates. Although incredibly useful, creating these templates from scratch requires understanding of the editor. You can ofcourse add your own custom development (HTML/CSS/JS - PHP) but should be approached as separate project entirely

Titles Animation

HTML & video play really well together, but they key to having delightful animations on your site is to confirm an interaction. Visual composer allow you to easily change video like you would an image, but an animation after a interaction requires javascript or a framework.

Digital CI and email signature

A digital brand is replicated much faster than print design, and far more technical reasons as to why Corporate ID elements will change with each iteration. Large corporations build tools for their teams to keep consistency like updated code libraries & code snippets for best practise learnt from past experience

Content creation including White Labeled App

Using the establish CI rules you can start duplicating and tweaking it to suit the content and eventually extrapolate into multiple pages, including outside design platforms for of Material & IOS frameworks for creating White Labeled apps

Turn around time for a project like this would be 2 weeks ⏱ done over a period of a month including 2 rounds of 📞 feedback